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'.$fname.' review - looks for evidence that are following online pharmacy laws and practice standards. If you do want to buy from an and you are sure that the is legitimate, there are still a few precautions you should take. Make sure you know exactly how much the order will cost, including delivery fees and any currency conversion rates. Also make sure you know how to get a refund if the product does not arrive, is damaged or not what you ordered. Use Top rated online pharmacies reviews: Generic pharmacies reviews, Canadian pharmacies reviews, Mexican pharmacies reviews, US & UK pharmacies reviews, Indian pharmacies reviews, ED pharmacies reviews.

Pharmacy title
Aetna - Health Insurance, Dental, Pharmacy, Group Life and Disability Insur
Reviews 2
Votes 2
Pharmacy description Aetna is a national leader of health and related benefits offering health insurance, pharmacy, dental, life, products for individuals, medicare insurance and disability. At Aetna, we put our knowledge to work for you, so you can make better decisions about your health and financial well-being
Screenshot of has been captured on Jun-26-2012 review
Country United States, USA (US)
City Middletown
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Forced to Choose Aetna
by Rex
on May 15, 2012
i agree with Kathy. Our New York media company recently mandated its employees to get maintenance prescription drugs from Aetna RX, although, for the life of me, I can not fathom why they imagine that an insurance provider would be a reliable pharmacist, since pharmacists are on the consumers' side and insurance companies clearly are not. Ordering from them has been a hassle and not a price saver. For example, for 30 Simvastatin Aetna Rx charges $8.32, whereas the pharmacy I had been going to for years,, a convenient, professional, and reliable institution in the neighborhood, charges $4. Customer service, after one waits on the phone, is an echoey call center in Georgia, staffed with people whose incomprehensible accents remind me of those Masterpiece Theatre shows set in Yorkshire where you know they are speaking English but you can't understand a word they say.The personnel there seem to have no authority or knowledge of how to set up an account and my order was never mailed because they forget to ask for billing infornattion. It is not only difficult to set up an account but, once set up, to maintain it. The billing system is baffling and unclear and, as at insurance companies, one hand has no idea what the other hand is up to, necessitating many calls to different departments. Aetna shows no innate skill or love for the pharmaceutical profession and they should be ashamed to foist this system on the unwitting consumer. Human resources departments should reassess their adoption of this perverse system.
by kathy
on March 1, 2012
On 2 occasions they have mailed out a prescription without contacting us. The prescriptions were not wanted - could be obtained cheaper at a local pharmacy. Was told could not refuse / return meds and we would be charged. We have a high deductible plan, so this is coming out of our pocket. Also seems odd that the prescriptions in question were for the same meds, 90 days each, and 3 refills. The problem is they were filled only 2 months apart. Also, credit card information was removed from thier website after the first issue but somehow they managed to obtain our credit card info and bill us without our consent. Would not assist in correcting problem. Plan is to move all prescriptions from them!

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